Word 2010 Formatting Quick Reference

ISBN 978-1-936220-20-5

Laminated quick reference card showing step-by-step instructions and shortcuts for how to use formatting features of Microsoft Office Word 2010 at the intermediate level. This card also available in French. The following topics are covered:

Showing the Ruler; Changing Default Font; Setting, Moving, Removing Tabs; Clearing Tab Settings; Setting Tabs with Leaders; Disabling Automatic Formatting; Using the Indent Markers; Applying Indents Quickly; Creating Bulleted, Numbered, and Multi-Level Lists.

Paragraph Breaks vs. Line Breaks; Paragraph Spacing; Line Spacing; Clearing Formatting; Using Quick Styles; Using Themes to Format the Document.

Inserting a Table; Moving a Table; Inserting Rows and Columns within a Table; Changing Column Widths; Merging and Splitting Cells; Centering a Table within the Margins; Changing Text Direction; Wrapping Text around Tables; Adding Space within a Table; Paragraph/Cell Borders and Shading.

Inserting a Pre-formatted Text Box; Drawing a Text Box; Formatting a Text Box.

Finding and Replacing Text; Finding and Replacing Formats; Finding and Replacing Special Characters.

Also includes: Lists of Table Selection and Movement Shortcuts, and Formatting Shortcuts


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